The Darkroom

Aetherart Spring 2012 w/Amanda Gorence .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  In choosing an image to print start by examining the positive images on your contact sheet . A lupe is helpful to magnify the frames . Many photo labs will also scan your negatives at the time of processing film so you then have a digital file of every negative too .



As of now I have no darkroom classes scheduled. I’m available to teach.



Smartphone Photography and Editing

with The Contemporary Austin. Oct 29-Dec 10, 1-3pm, No Class 11/5.                                                                    



Smartphone Photography and Editing for Seniors with The Contemporary Austin, Sun, Dec. 14, 1-4pm




Jason Lambert




A Natural Light Portrait Tutorial

Light Painting

Sepia Toning Dark Room Prints

 Shelley teaches privately, semi-  privately, groups, work, team building,  etc…. Classes can be customized for individual or group  needs.